Programmes résidentiels – RI

Communities for People’s spectrum of residential programs provide youth as young as 12 and up to their 21st birthday with support that promotes individual empowerment and prepares them for independence moving forward. All our community living programs are designed to simulate the experience of living independently as part of a community. The youth and their support team are invited to meet with the program treatment team to review the program services and structure and create a clear plan to support family reunification or independence in the community.

Short-Term Assessment and Reunification (STAR)

Our Short-Term Assessment and Reunification Program offers immediate access to a safe, structured, community-based residential setting for teens 13-18 years old who require physical separation from family for a brief time when other efforts have not succeeded. STAR provides family support and help with stabilizing teens quickly through trauma-informed lenses, assessing needs while engaging parents/caretakers with the goal of rapid reunification. STAR is designed to accept teens 24/7, and we are prepared to an array of mental health needs and behavioral issues. The maximum stay at STAR is 90 days, but Communities for People staff regularly review the initial treatment plan throughout a teen’s stay to ensure they are on track to be ready for their next step.

Transitional Treatment Program (TTP)

Transitional Treatment Program is a community-based residential program for 13-18 year old teens with chronic and/or severe mental health needs. As a TTP client, teens receive consistent psychiatric consultation as well as appropriate psychosocial, educational, and/or vocational training. TTP serves as both an alternative option to psychiatric hospitalization, and/or a step-down from hospital or out of state residential treatment centers for those not able to return to living with their family. TTP teens usually stay in the program for 6-9 months. The program uses a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services, including daily living and social skills training to work with each teen on meeting their own unique needs and goals.

Supportive Apartment Services (SAS)

Supportive Apartment Service is a community-based residential program serving youth who are 17-21 years old with chronic and/or severe mental health needs through “apartment style” living focused on developing independent living skills while managing mental health symptoms. SAS uses a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services, including daily living and social skills training, to improve each youth’s functioning. Jeunesse are matched with a roommate within the community apartments, and receive guidance, support and structure from staff.

ISL Intensive Supervised Living

Intensive Supervised Living is a community-based residential program serving male-identifying teens who are 13 18 years old. Teens in the program receive a high degree of supervision, support, and structure, as well as positive behavioral approaches. Support is provided in the least restrictive, least intrusive manner possible. ISL provides assessment, stabilization, treatment, and skills instruction with the goal of stepping down from hospitalization or diversion and/or re-entry into the community from juvenile corrections. Teens are usually in ISL for 3-5 months.

Independent Living Program

Independent Living is an outreach-supported apartment setting for youth who are 17-21 years old in need of intensive life skill training and development as preparation to live independently. Youth live alone or with roommates in an apartment setting in the communities of their choice. Over time, the youth assume a greater responsibility for their plan, apartment, and finances. Staff assist youth in job seeking and retention, housing, financial literacy, and adult decision-making skills. Youth in ILP are typically in this for 6-9 months and would have previously displayed motivation to get a full-time job, attend school full-time, or a combination of both.

Enhanced Case Management

Enhanced Case Management (EMC) serves youth who are 18 – 20 years old and enrolled in the Voluntary Extension of Care (VEC) unit at DCYF. Youth live alone, with roommates, or with other natural supports (exclusive of parent/guardian) in the community of their choice. Case managers assist youth with job seeking and retension, housing, financial literacy, and adult decision-making skills. EMC prepares youth to live independently upon discharge.
